
Ugh…please give me strength. Let me tell you what happened yesterday at work.

It’s lunch time and this young fellow walks up to my cash. He starts talking to me about how terrible it is that so much animal abuse is going on in the world. I look down at the things he’s buying. A bottle of coke – made of plastic that goes up the arses of turtles, and a sandwich encased in plastic. I’m sure that could choke a few seagulls or dolphins. I asked him where he thought sliced meat comes from.

Um….yeah. Just go and pet a few kitties, Bubbles.

“Would you like a bag?” I inquired. At this point, I just had to ask.

“Nope, I’m saving the environment,” he bellowed.

You have to fucking laugh…

Then later on in the day, a lady dumps all her groceries at customer service. Two hundred dollars worth of items on the express lane that clearly states one-eight items. I didn’t see her do it, because I stood at the other counter doing lottery.

I can’t help it, sometimes it just infuriates me. It wouldn’t be as bad if she came later in the day but four o’clock rolled around and the store was packed.

I stared at her in disbelief and said, “this is the express lane, it’s only one to eight items.”

She replied, “I know.”

Then I really felt bitchy. “If you knew that, why did you dump so many grocery items on here?”

She smirked and said, “I didn’t want to wait.”

“Please don’t do this again,” I snapped. “It backs up my line and upsets the other customers who are now inconvenienced because you did this.”

She started to bag her own groceries, as if that would make up for it. Stupid bitch. Next time I will make her collect it all and move it. Sometimes I’m too damn nice.

Honest to God. The inconsiderate entitlement of folks in my town just makes me shake my head. It’s disgusting.

Later on, I walked around the store and found eggs, milk, ice cream and strawberries just left on random shelves because somebody was too fucking lazy to put it back. Ruined and garbage. What a waste.

If you insist on being a shit-head, this is what is going to happen with your life.


12 thoughts on “Idiots

  1. I’m just waiting for someone to come up with a mental health diagnosis of “entitledmania” that keeps people from being held accountable for their inconsiderate, scream-provoking, asshole behavior! Trust me, someone’s going to do something criminal one day and spin this as a defense. Why do I believe this? I live in the state (Texas) that came up with the condition known as “affluenza” to use as a defense.*sigh* Mona

    Liked by 4 people


    ◇ Diamond Hard

    A Child has No Concept of ‘Success’ or ‘Failure’ (‘If’ ~ Poem by Rudyard Kipling) until Bullied, Berated and Beaten Up Physically, Physiologically, Psychologically and Soulfully by Well Meaning Parents and Other Authority who Really Have NO FUCKING IDEA!!! about 3DLife; it’s clearly PRETTY FUCKING OBVIOUS!!! a Child Knows when to Quit if They ARE NOT!!! Enthusiastic, NOT!!! Willing and NOT!!! Interested…yet The ‘Grown Ups’ insist “You WILL!!! Stick With This or Else 😠 !!!” instead of Asking “OK, what ARE You Passionate About Kiddo; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that We Can Do That, OK 🤔 ?” ~ Smart Parents, as Opposed to The Dummies that Most Parents ARE; yet a Well Balanced ‘Grown Up’ Recovers and Develops from ‘The Best’ Belting Their Parents KNEW!!! for example Compare The Billionaires; as far as I AM Aware Richard Branson is The Only Billionaire that had to Work for His Inheritance and is The Fittest Billionaire in Latter 3DLife – Diamond Hard


    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have to admit that I am one of those people that don’t put things back where they belong when I change my mind. But, I would never leave frozen food on a shelf with fresh and ruin it. That is wrong in all ways. Please don’t hate me!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Didn’t you just post about being annoyed at people changing their minds and giving you stuff to put back? It’s a Catch 22, I think. Damned if I do and Damned if I don’t. HA! But seriously, ruining food is wrong!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I was annoyed at people handing back like nine items. Why pick shit up if you aren’t going to buy it? I don’t do that. But I would sooner have them hand it back than leave it all over the fucking store. lol


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